The “Month of Love” is just around the corner, and Valentines Day beckons us to ponder Love on so many levels… I love chocolate. (pretty surface) I love to write songs, and sing them for others. (getting deeper) I love my sweetheart Shelly who has been by my side for 39+ years. (very deep) I love the Source of all Love. (still deeper) An expression of this deeper level is found in one of my songs: “It takes work to open a stubborn heart, to reach way down to our highest part, where there are no complaints, no worries, no fear, where Love is ever present, ever clear.” (exerpt from Born to Love copyright 2016 Cynthia Bythell – All rights reserved.) I will be singing 3 of my inspirational songs at Unity of Santa Rosa on Feb. 3 at the 10:30 service. (4857 Redwood Hwy., Santa Rosa 707-542-7729) Unity is truly a welcoming and safe place for people of all life styles and spiritual persuasions. I would LOVE to see you there!