Memories of Halloween come “trick-ling” back to me this time of year. My family lived in a small town where traditional Trick-or-Treat was entirely safe. I especially liked going to the Eminheisers’ house where we were invited in to see the extravagant decorations (nothing to “freak-out” little children in those days). The grand tour ended in the dining room where a large table was loaded with homemade sugary treats. Yum! Well, that was then, and this is now: I don’t get kids at the door in my neighborhood. Not one single knock in 32 years. Maybe it’s because this area is partially industrial, and very few youngsters live around here. But, it would be fun to set out something for my students. Hum-m-m. So many parents these days are concerned about sugar intake. Maybe nuts? Nope, peanut allergies abound. How about a big black bowl of tangerines on the piano? Sounds pretty boring. Maybe a more exciting idea will come “trick-ling” into my brain…..