It’s time to put Mom & Dad’s photos up on the mantel again in accordance with my yearly tradition. When I was little, we had a different custom. May 1st meant dancing around the Maypole, weaving brightly colored streamers into a beautiful pattern, and handing out May Baskets full of flowers. It was a fun and lovely way of celebrating Spring, or so we thought. Unaware that the holiday had been assigned a new meaning in the late 19th century, we were happy in our innocence. (Actually, as savvy as I’d like to be, it’s still easy to catch myself in blatant naivete.) Anyway, it’s May again, and I have quite a case of “Songwriting Fever”. The melodies are dropping from the sky like blossoms in the breeze, and I’m gathering them up in a crazy frenzy. What a blissful blessing…. Best May Basket ever!