Whoa! 2018. Seriously? Sometimes it feels like I’m being pole vaulted through time. There’s never enough of it. The older I get the more important it feels not to fritter any of it away. Precious stuff it is, and easy to get stressed out trying to squeeze in everything I want to do. Funny thing though: When I slow down, there seems to be more of it. For example, I recently decided to add another lap to my swimming regimen. Telling myself to “Take it easy, and don’t try to swim too quickly”, I did indeed have plenty of stamina to easily complete the extra lap. I wasn’t even as tired as usual, and much to my surprise, the clock claimed that it hadn’t taken any longer than it normally does! What’s up with that? Does trying to hurry actually slow me down because I’m tense in my effort? Hum-m-m… Maybe trying to go “fast, faster, fastest” doesn’t actually give me more time.