Proven technique will have you sounding good and feeling in control! Expand vocal range—improve breath control—build a powerful voice—cultivate a good tone—develop your style—refine intonation—learn to sustain—stop vocal strain!
Let Cynthia help you to get what you want out of your voice with private vocal lessons personalized to meet your specific needs. Whether you are a beginner or a working professional, Cynthia Bythell will patiently guide you to your full vocal potential.
Relax! Singing should be easy and fun. Physically speaking, vocalizing shouldn’t feel any harder than sustained talking. When you don’t strain, you sound good and build confidence.
At the first lesson Cynthia will explain how to get a deeper breath, control the breath better, open the throat and project the sound out into the room. Together you’ll record voice exercises in your range, so that you can get a vocal work-out between lessons.
At every lesson after that you will do a few exercises specially designed to help you develop your vocal skills. Then you’ll work on a song of your choice, trying to apply what is learned in the exercises to the song.
Appointments are available Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, from 2:00 to 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm.
Private voice training is available for $270/month. Monthly tuition includes four one-hour lessons personalized to the student’s individual needs. A single one-hour lesson can be purchased for $80.
Located right off 1-80 in southwest Berkeley